Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

1. Introduction

Goodman Masson Limited recognises that all companies have a responsibility to prevent Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking within their businesses. Our organisation recruits professionally qualified accountants and other financial professionals across multiple verticals. These covers Commerce & Industry, Banking & Financial Services, Professional Services and Public Sector markets.

2. Our Policy on Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

We are committed to ensuring that we take all reasonable measures to prevent Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking within our business. Goodman Masson believe in acting with integrity and ensuring that our systems are effective in identifying any potential risks. Our business also places significant importance on working with clients who recognise their responsibilities towards eliminating this issue.

3. Due Diligence Process for Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking

Our business carries out strict compliance checks for all candidates. We ensure verification of the identity of every worker and their right to work. By undertaking due diligence checks, we ensure compliance with the relevant legislations and continue to evolve our processes in line with these. Goodman Masson recognises its duty to act on any employee concerns by reporting any issues that may be raised.

4. Training

All employees working at Goodman Masson are educated on the issues relating to Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking and identifying the potential signs of this. All staff who are responsible for recruitment receive additional information in relation to our recruitment principles and are required to comply with our code of practice.This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Goodman Masson Limited’s Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year 2024/25.