What makes a great recruiter varies from person to person but there are a few key traits that we seem to see time and time again; compassion, hard-work and a little (or a lot) of confidence, the latter of which got us to thinking; who would we want on our team if we were to pick from those celebrities we all know. Just a little bit of fun, take a look at some celebs we think might make great recruiters if their celebrity lifestyle all gets too much.
A one-woman powerhouse, Beyonce has completely cornered the music industry, the fashion industry and the movie industry. Millions of fans hang off her every word and her ability to ellicit trust, through the personal relationships she creates with followers, is something every recruiter could learn from.
With the talent to get other celebs to divulge their secrets on live TV, it’s highly unlikely Norton would send a bad candidate to interview. He also toes the line between nice and brutally honest, meaning that his feedback would be genuinely helpful.
Captain Marvel herself, Brie’s passion for gender equality within the workplace would see her smashing diversity quotas and going the extra mile for her candidates.
If Paltrow can sell products on Goop like psychic vampire repellent and £80 ‘wellness oil’, then she can sell that role you’ve been struggling shift. She’ll also be able to navigate clients and candidates through tricky periods, with the same zen that she projected through her own ‘conscious uncoupling’.
Cooper made a ton of commission for his role as Rocket in the Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers films. Considering this was all down to voice acting, it’s fair to say this is a guy you want on the phones. A master of cold calling he might be but maybe keep any eye on him at client drinks, to avoid any brutal hangovers.