Name : Catherine Kellaway
Job Title : Executive Director
Years at Goodman Masson : 8 Years
Embrace Equity to me means we need to look at the pre-existing power structures which exist in society. There are more men at the top of political institutions, companies, and leadership roles and we can't ignore this. Whilst there have been positive movements there’s still a lot that needs to change until we can really say we are equal; from women’s healthcare to women in the workplace, to women in education; from government rules such as maternity leave to the tampon tax, there is SO.MUCH.FOR.US.ALL.TO.DO! Until the power structures have changed, we all need to take action to make change happen!
Importantly we also need to talk about intersectionality when we talk about embracing equality; being a woman is only a portion of someone’s identity. It's important that we don’t ignore the impact and power dynamics that exist for various other aspects of a person's identity!
I am proud of being a senior sales leader. I am proud of the impact I have been able to make by being able to have different conversations with people. From people asking me to get sanitary products in our toilets (I wonder if a woman would have felt comfortable asking a male leader!), or to influencing the hugely positive change to our parental leave policies.
I am proud of the incredible female leaders I work with, from our NED Lenna to our Head of People Alice Morton, to my Managers, Megan Dack, Vanessa Sadikvand and Magella Burnett and Senior Executive Jeannette, Emer and Lizzie. I am proud that the male leaders I work with have talked to me about how they tackle their unconscious bias and can become consciously inclusive. I am proud of all the women I get to work with!
I am proud when people tell me they see me as a role model. I am proud to be a woman and to work with all the superpowers it gives me!
It's okay to be nervous, its shows you care!Keep asking questions; the status quo is there to be challenged! You can make a difference!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - AOC – she is incredible, and works against the odds. I believe in everything she believes in and I think she is absolutely fantastic. If you don’t know who she is, check her out!